Snakeberry: Best New England Crime Stories 2025
edited by
Christine Bagley, Susan Oleksiw, Ang Pompano, and Leslie Wheeler
Crime Spell Books
The anthology is open to all writers who currently live in the six New England states, but the stories do not need to be set in New England. (The six New England states are Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.)
Stories may be written in the following genres: mystery, thriller, suspense, caper, historical, and horror.
Stories must be between 1,000 and 5,000 words.
Writers may submit up to two stories per anthology, but only one story per author will appear in the anthology.
The editors will not consider stories that feature gratuitous violence or sex.
Submissions will be accepted from
January 1, 2025 to March 31, 2025.
Please email your submissions to
Type "Snakeberry story submission" in the subject line of your email (without this identification, your attachment will not be opened).
Include your name, address, phone number, email, story title, word count, and a short bio in the body of the email.
Follow standard formatting guidelines for fiction. (If unsure about these, check out the Shunn manuscript formatting guide online.)
Paginate your story in the header or footer of the document. Include your name and story title.
Type ### or "The End" at the end of your story.
Attach your story as a Word document.
The editors will acknowledge the receipt of all submissions.
Our Contract
Writers will be notified of acceptance by June 2025.
Crime Spell Books buys First North American serial rights. After one year rights revert to the author. If the story is later reprinted elsewhere, the editors ask that the author state that it was originally published in Snakeberry from Crime Spell Books.
Crime Spell Books will pay $25 per story.